What Model Represents The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account?

what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account

Question: What model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account?


  1. Data stream > Account > Property
  2. Property > Account > Data stream
  3. Property > Data stream > Account
  4. Account > Property > Data stream

Answer: Account > Property > Data stream


Google Analytics is providing a hierarchy model for businesses and individual website owners. These services are offering valuable insights into the detailed results of website traffic, user behaviors, and marketing effectiveness.

From the user’s behaviors to the marketing effectiveness, every part is clear to you. You will get an actual understanding of how the website performances are going on. And how the audiences are going to reach after seeing your advertisement.

From this blog post, we will get a more elaborated idea about what model represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics Account. 

How Google Analytics Data Is Structured?

Google Analytics data are broken down by time, date, language, and user type. For every individual visit the time spent on the site is restored and recorded. This time is also going to record the metrics along with the other columns of the dimensions.

Google Analytics aggregates a vast amount of site information. That information is also going to help you to understand every bit of your viewer’s behaviors and your page performances. You know Account > Property > Data stream is the answer to what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account.

The Google Analytics data structures are kept this way every user will get the full idea about how the pages are performing.

Google Analytics Data Model Structures

Google Analytics data model has three components: users, sessions, and interactions. These 

three are the basic parts of the data model structures.


Users are the people who are landing on your page. And these are the audiences. More people are staying on your page, the impression is going to improve. Google Analytics record is showing the detailed metrics of these numbers.


A session is the amount of time when a person is going to spend on a website and service. Usually, the session is 30 minutes but it can be larger than this or smaller than this. Website handlers can customize the time. However, if any page leaves unattentive for 30 minutes then the users have to reopen the page again, and from there another session is going to start.


Interactions are the data that show the detailed results about how many of the audiences are starting to interact with your website. More people are starting to show interest in your services and are going to improve three interaction metrics of the interaction.

Google Analytics Data Metrics

Google Analytics data metrics are showing some specific data. On the basis of these data, you can analyze whether your page is performing or not. If you think your pages are not well-performing but you want to increase your page’s performance then these are the metrics parameters that will give you 


Site audiences or new visitors to the websites you can check both of these two data from these metrics. By seeing these metrics you will understand how your sites are performing and develop a strategy for improving your site visitor numbers.

Bounce Rate: 

The actual percentages of the visitors are showing up in these metrics. You can process the request after logging into the google analytics server.


The session is the time the visitors are spending on your website. 30 minutes is the latest time. The average session duration is 30 minutes. If one person is leaving the site within 30 minutes that means they are not spending the entire season on the page. But if the visitor leaves the page intact for at least 30 minutes then they have to start the season again.

Basic Components Of The Google Analytics Account

Wonder why the answer of what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account is the Account > Property > Data stream.

Here are the detailed hierarchical model illustrations of the Google Analytics account.

Account Details 

The Google Analytics account serves as the top-level entity. From here you can manage multiple sites and business entities. With this segregated account, you can have segregated data storages which helps you to switch between multiple business entities.

Analytics Property

In the account, every mobile application is represented by the properties. These properties are assigned with a unique tracking ID and by using these analytics collect the data and keep the data.

Having separate properties for each website or mobile application enables you to analyze reach data and the entry. It will also help to track down the user’s behaviors and the conversion metrics.

Data Views

From the view section, users can see the subsets of data inside the properties. You can allow the filters and the settings along with the configurations of data analysis. You can create multiple views in a single property for easier segmenting, and analyzing the data. 

Each can view different filters which are applied for finding the specific traffic. So you will get more relevant subset’s focused data.

Wrapping All Up:

Hope now you get the exact explanation ideas about what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account. Google Analytics features are the ultimate features that will give you ideas about your page performance. That’s why if you are thinking of analyzing individual page performances google analytics metrics are providing all sorts of data and metrics for analysis.

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